Capricorn Full Moon Healing: Release Overwhelm & Embrace Healing
This Capricorn Full Moon is healing but can also bring scattered or overwhelmed emotions. We could also be feeling exhausted or frustrated. But it isn't all challenging, this full moon in Capricorn is helping us let go of old ways of being, old perspectives, beliefs, and patterns that are no longer in alignment with who we want to be in the future.
During this full moon period, make sure that you stick to your boundaries and stay true to your authentic self. Don't do anything or say anything that the person you want to become wouldn't say or do. Are there any boundaries that you need to create or enforce?
Capricorn energy helps us recognize our responsibilities. What are you responsible for? Step into your power and use this Capricorn energy to gain a clear view of the vision in which you want your life to be headed.
When it comes to our animals, they can help us stay present in the moment. They can assist in those more challenging emotions of overwhelm and frustration that we are more likely to experience. Remember that this is a healing moon. A moon that assists in releasing. What is causing you to feel overwhelmed? frustrated? exhausted? What can you release?
Your familiar, the animal that you have a connection to, can bring you back to the present to see with clarity what is in alignment and what no longer is. Spend time in a quiet peaceful environment with your familiar. Be still and tune into their energy. Observe them. Rest with them. Be with them. What message do they have for you?
Use this meditation (below) to assist in working with this Capricorn full moon and the energy of your familiar to release overwhelm and embrace healing.
