Mabon Celebration & Tarot for Witches and their Familiars
Mabon is the last harvest festival of the year. It is celebrated around September 21- 24. It also occurs during the first days of Autumn and the Fall Equinox, which is the Harvest season.
After the abundance and growth that occurred during the summer, it is now time to collect and celebrate that growth. Start to slow and wind down. This is a time of transition.
Mabon is a time to celebrate abundance and all that you have received since January. Celebrate that the day has an equal amount of daylight and nighttime. Celebrate Mother Earth. It is a time to be grateful and cultivate balance and harmony.
During this time of year:
Complete projects by setting boundaries and prioritizing tasks and projects
Prepare for winter, so that during winter you can rest
Reflect in solitude (be introspective)
Create peaceful movements
Let go of what you no longer need (physically, mentally, emotionally)
Do healing rituals
To Celebrate Mabon here are some ideas:
Cook and bake with apples
Have a large feast or host a potluck
Eat root vegetables
Create a gratitude list
Go for a nature walk
Plant bulbs, tree seeds, and shrubs
Study, learn, and focus on inner development
Give to and share with others
Decorate with a Cornucopia or the horn of plenty, the colors dark green, red, orange, yellow, gold, pinecones and acorns
Animals to connect to during Mabon and the season of Fall are:
Mabon is the perfect time to practice patience with your familiar, the animal that you have a connection with. Patience is necessary when communicating with and understanding our animals. The energy of this time of year helps us be more present, patient, and observant - which are all qualities important to developing, growing, and strengthening our bond with our animals. For more about patience and its importance when interacting with our animals visit:
For more about Mabon celebration and to receive a tarot reading watch the video below. The tarot reading will address how you can align with the potent energy of Mabon and you will also receive a message from your familiar for this time of year.