Mar 21, 20191 min read
Increasing your Dog's or Cat's Intelligence
Increasing your cat's or dog's intelligence can reduce misbehaving, increase health, defeat boredom, increase your dog's confidence, and...
Feb 25, 20191 min read
The Importance of Play
So we all know that our pets need exercise and plat time, just like we do. But do you actually really realize how much they need or how...
Jan 24, 20191 min read
Animals as Healers
I believe that animals have healing powers, especially cats. By spending quality time with our animals we can benefit from these magical...
Dec 14, 20183 min read
Pets & Holiday Safety, Stress, and Anxiety
Keep pets safe this holiday season! During the holidays there are often many changes. Changes to routines and schedules. There are often...
Nov 26, 20182 min read
Essential Oils and Cats
You may have heard of some horror stories to do with cats and essential oils. There are a lot of opinions and myths about cats and...
Nov 9, 20181 min read
Feeding your Dog & Cat with the Seasons
Did you know that both you are your cat and dog can eat with the seasons? So what exactly is eating with the seasons? Eating with the...
Oct 29, 20181 min read
We're talking all things Cats and Witches! - Halloween Post
Cats and witches have a lot of history. Most of it being pretty dark. For thousands of years, cats have been thought of as mysterious...