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Build Stronger Bonds with Your Dog or Cat by Understanding The Motivation behind behavior

Knowing the motivations behind your dog or cat’s behavior helps you understand your animal, creating stronger bonds. Our animal’s behaviours are motivated by physical needs, psychological states, or energetic imbalances aspects.

When we understand the root cause of behaviours we can help us reduce stress, create harmony, and develop a dialog with our animals.

Understanding the root cause of behaivuours that are challenging or stressful can help us minimize or reduce those behaivours.

There are somethings to look for when discovering the motivation behind a behaviour that we don’t understand, which are:

  • the context of the behaviour (where and when it occurs)

  • triggers that may cause the behaviour

  • your own thoughts and feelings during your animal's behavor

  • what occurs after the behavior

  • your own behaviours (are you being consistant and congruent with your commands, body langauge and energy?)

  • previous training

  • previous experiences

  • enrichment and mental stimulation

  • physical exercise

To learn more about how you can create a supportive and loving environment that benefits both you and your animal, leading to more harmonious and fulfilling relationships, watch the video below which will help you understand your animal and their motivations.

dog cat behavior


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