Mar 23, 20241 min read
Harnessing the Full Moon in Libra for Authenticity and Balance with Your Familiar
March 25th is the Full Moon in Libra. Like all full moons, this full moon assists us in releasing and healing. Since the moon is in Libra...
Mar 15, 20241 min read
Spring Equinox and Ostara for Witches and their Familiars
Hello, Spring! Hello, sunlight! Ostara and the Spring Equinox, the first day of Spring, occurs March 19 - 23rd On the Wheel of the Year,...

Feb 24, 20242 min read
Releasing Unconscious Patterns with the Virgo Full Moon and your familiar.
The full moon in Virgo has arrived! Virgo's energy helps us release our unconscious patterns so that we can release them and adopt...

Feb 4, 20242 min read
Imbolc Traditions, Activities, Tarot & Reflections (for witches and their pets/familiars!)
In the wheel of the year, Imbolc is the first planting festival to be celebrated around February 1st and 2nd. Here are some Imbolc...

Jan 24, 20241 min read
Shine Bright with the energy of the Leo Full Moon & your animal.
The full moon in Leo arrives near the end of January. Leo's energy encourages creativity, self-expression, and unabashed authenticity....