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Spring Equinox and Ostara for Witches and their Familiars

Hello, Spring! Hello, sunlight!

Ostara and the Spring Equinox, the first day of Spring, occurs March 19 - 23rd

On the Wheel of the Year, Ostara is the final planting festival. The Wheel of the Year represents the cycle of the seasons and the Earth's natural rhythms.

Spring Equinox and Ostara for Witches and their Familiars

The vibe of Ostara is: new beginnings, fresh ideas, creativity, fertility, abundance, rebirth, balance

During Ostara celebrate that dark winter is turning into bright spring. During this time there is Equal daylight and night. We are gaining more energy, inspiration, and motivation. Spring brings new growth. We feel full of excitement and anticipation for all the possibilities spring and summer will bring.

What do you want to create or manifest this Spring and Summer? This is the time of year to set intentions (plant new 'seeds') and to begin to take action to ensure growth and abundance.

Some questions to consider during this time of year:

How can you create more balance in your life?

What do you want to manifest or create during Summer and Fall?

What projects do you want to start?

How can you shake off stagnant energy?

What are your priorities?

During Ostara it can be beneficial to work with and connect to woodpeckers, deer, rabbits, frogs, bees, groundhogs, and robins.

For more ideas on how to work with the energy of Spring and Ostara watch the following videos:


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