A Calm, Confident, and Well-Balanced Dog
Do you have a calm, confident, and well-balanced dog?
It is important to build your dog's confidence. Confidence in dogs promotes more stable and predictable behaviour as well as improves your dog's ability to handle challenging situations and cope with stress. Confident dogs are more resilient, adaptable, and receptive to training. Confident dogs are more likley to have increased mental and physical health.
These are the signs of a calm, confident, and well-balanced dog.
relaxed eyes and eyelids with a soft gaze and smooth brow
relaxed ears
gently open mouth
relaxed body, loose muscles
tail wagging or held up, or a neutral position
smooth purposeful actions
not destructive
able to spend time alone
ready and excited to play or go for a walk
consistent appetite
initiates contact with you
responsive to commands and cues
no excessive barking
All dogs are unique and their behaviours can differ depending on breed, temperament, experiences, and more. Increasing your dog's confidence varies between dogs. Working with a professional helps.
Instead of feeling frustrated or overwhelmed by your pets' behavior, improve your relationship with your dog and help them heal from any physical, mental, or emotional issues. I offer a unique combination of positive reinforcement training methods with energy healing techniques, animal communication, and tarot. Apply to work with me.
For more on how to build your dogs confidence, watch the video below.